Thursday, January 19, 2012

Everything's Alright

My brothers and sister and I are all named after saints. Kathrine, Elizabeth. Robert and David. Raised a Catholic, I went to church every Sunday. I never ate meat on Fridays during lent. I was baptized, had my first holy communion and of course my confirmation.

I believed in God and Jesus Christ. When I was ten my parents took me to see the opening of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Jesus Christ Superstar. I loved it for many reasons. It was familiar, it was what I knew. I believed it. My favorite song was Everything is alright, everything is fine.

I believed in heaven, I believed that everyone was good. I had a lot to learn.

When Jack got sick I started to question my religion. Over the years, I have spent days in babies hospitals watching my baby suffer and other babies suffer. I had to ask myself "where is God?".

I have had friends who have lost their fight, their children are gone. What God would let that happen? Some say they are in a better place. What better place than here in their mother's arms.

From the time Jack was first diagnosed, seven months old, he would sleep soundly in my arms, while I told him "everything is alright, everything is fine."

Now he tells me that. He assures me that "Everything is alright, Everything is fine." Go to sleep Go to sleep, let the world rotate without you tonight.

I once ha a vision. This little girl dressed in white came to me, and said, I am fine and I will be back to get Jack.

I know now that everyone is not good, the world is a dangerous place. But I believe that Jack is right. Everything is alright, everything is fine. Tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Liz.